Reporter Job Vacancy in Ethiopia 2025/2026 | Reporter Jobs and the Application Form

Reporter Job Vacancy in Ethiopia 2025 | Reporter Jobs and the Application Form

If you are into Journalism/Broadcasting or you are among the many people that have been looking for the Reporter Job Vacancy in Ethiopia. Then you have landed on the best web page, because the Apply for a Job team, will be showing you the latest Reporter Jobs. That’s available for application, plus the requirements for each Reporter job vacancy. And how to fill out the job application form online or offline.

Therefore, all you have to do now is go through the information below, so you can find a Reporter Job that suits you. In addition, you will equally see the required qualifications for each job and how to apply.

List of Reporter Jobs in Ethiopia 2025 Plus Application Requirements

Job Title: Senior Journalist

Location: Ethiopia

Slot: 5

Requirements for this Senior Journalist Job, That Among the Latest Reporter Jobs in Ethiopia

  • Interested persons should have a University degree in journalism, communications, English, or any other related discipline.
  • Secondly, Applicants that have Master’s degree, will stand a better chance of getting these Reporter jobs.
  • Thirdly, candidates should have up to 3 or 4 years of relevant work experience.
  • Also, this Reporter Job Vacancy in Ethiopia 2025/2026, is only open to someone that possesses excellent observation and judgment skills.
  • The Reporter vacancy is for someone that has the mindset of discharging duties very well and on time too.
  • Applicants that show proof of having problem-solving skills, will definitely have an edge.

Job Title: Journalist

Location: Ethiopia

Slot: 7

Required Qualifications for this Journalist Vacancy

  • Firstly, those that want to fill this Reporter vacancy, should have a University degree in journalism, communications, English, or any other related discipline.
  • Secondly, it’s important you have not less than 2 years of essential work experience.
  • Also, this Ethiopian reporter newspaper job vacancy is for someone who possesses wonderful communication and networking skills.
  • Applicants should be able to maintain an ethical and objective standard in reporting.
  • The Reporter vacancy is for someone that has the mindset of discharging duties and being on time too.

Job Title: News Reporter

Location: Ethiopia

Slot: 6

Requirements for this News Reporter Job in Ethiopia

  1. Firstly, this Reporter vacancy requires some level of experience. Therefore, everyone with some level of experience is welcome to apply.
  2. There are also some of these News Reporter jobs for people with no level of experience, so make sure you apply.
  3. Also, Applicants should have strong knowledge of media processes.
  4. Each candidate should have a portfolio of published articles.
  5. It’s good you have the zeal to write and create interesting stories.
  6. The Reporter vacancy is for someone that has the mindset of discharging duties and being on time too.

Job Title: Broadcaster

Location: Ethiopia

Slot: 2

Requirements for this Broadcaster Job, That’s Among the Latest Reporter Jobs in Ethiopia

  1. Firstly, Applicants that have academic qualifications in journalism, communication/media studies, music technology, performing arts, English, and media performance. Will stand better chances of getting these jobs.
  2. Secondly, any Applicant that has good interest or experience in television/radio, will stand a better chance of filling this Ethiopian reporter job vacancy.
  3. Employers want people that have the ability to work under pressure.
  4. In addition, the job is for an individual that has good communication skills.
  5. Further, this Ethio reporter job vacancy is for a qualified candidate that can do teamwork
  6. Applicants that show proof of having problem-solving skills, will definitely have an edge over others.

How to Apply for these Reporter Jobs in Ethiopia for 2025

Above all, interested and qualified candidates, that have gone through the various Reporter jobs above. Plus the requirements of each job. And have decided to Apply online, should proceed to the application portal HERE or HERE. And fill out the online application form.

Recommended: Wegagen Bank Vacancy in Ethiopia 2025/2026

Also, make sure you get the requirements ready before starting your job application. The Apply for a Job team will be looking forward to hearing from you. Via the comment section.

5 thoughts on “Reporter Job Vacancy in Ethiopia 2025/2026 | Reporter Jobs and the Application Form”

     Full Name : MESERET AMENTE
     Date of birth: 14/09/86 E.C
     Place of birth Gebre Guracha
     Sex : Female
     Nationality : Ethiopia
     Civil Statues: Single
     Health Status: Excellent
     Qualification: Degree
     ADDRESS : Telephone – +251-921-80-32-38/+251-962-10-01-32


    Language Speaking Writing Reading Listening
    Afan Oromo Fluent Fluent Fluent Fluent
    Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
    English Good Excellent Excellent Good
    Institution Year from – to Award Remark
    G/Guracha secondary high school 2001-2002 EGSE Certificate Pass
    Fitche TVET 2003 Level II Distinction
    Adama Polytechnic 2007-2009 Level IV Diploma/Certificate
    Harambee University 2010-2013 BSc Computer Science Degree

    • Seven years experience in ODA Special Boarding School Adama Branch Secretarial-Cashier and Purchaser

    Literate and proficient user of basic computer;
    • Database Administrator
    • SQL Sever
    • MS-words
    • MS-power point
    • Ms-Excel
    • MS-Access and all Basic computer access
    6. Research Experience
     Online Scheduling System
    7. HOBBY
    Participate in community works, reading both academic and nonacademic books and visiting different historical areas, discussion on socio economic and political issues.
    Interested in fighting against injustice, promoting rule of law and good governance and enhance democracy and human rights protection.
    I certify that all the information given in this CV are true and to the best of my knowledge.


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