Teaching Vacancies in Kenya | TSC Mass Recruitment 2025/2026

Teaching Vacancies in Kenya | TSC Mass Recruitment 2025

Kenya Teachers Service Commission is the parastatal in Kenya. That’s charged with the duty of recruiting and overseeing the affairs of teachers in the country. However, it was established in 1967. And has been at the forefront in contributing to teachers’ well-being and has also assisted in maintaining Teacher’s Government relationships in the country.

In other words, we are pleased to announce to our readers that TSC Mass Recruitment 2025/2026 has commenced for the multiple teaching vacancies in Kenya Government schools. Also, this opportunity we believe will interest those looking for Primary teaching Jobs in Kenya, Secondary teaching Jobs in Kenya 2025, High School teaching Jobs in Nairobi, or how to access the TSC recruitment portal and apply for available jobs.

Current Teaching Vacancies in Kenya TSC Plus Recruitment Requirements

Job Title: Principal

Location: Kenya

Kenya Teachers Service Commission Recruitment Requirements for the Position of Principal

  • Firstly, the Principal is the head of the institution. As a result, he/she is assigned to and oversees the school’s day-to-day activities. And only those with the required length of experience can apply.
  • Applicants are expected to have a good track record in doing High school teaching Jobs in Nairobi or Secondary teaching Jobs in Kenya.
  • Thirdly, you must have held a Deputy Principal position for at least 3 years before applying as required by TSC Mass Recruitment 2025 officials.
  • Strong managerial and administrative skill is very important.
  • Lastly, only those that can be punctual to duties, will stand better chances of working at the Teachers Service Commission Kenya (TSC).

Job Title: Deputy Head Teacher

Location: Kenya

Conditions for the Position of Head Teacher in TSC

  • Successful Applicants will assist in the close implementation of the all-around curriculum in the school.
  • Secondly and most importantly, the TSC adverts 2025/2026 for the position of Head Teacher. Is open to only those who must have served as Deputy Head Teachers before.
  • TSC recruitment portal will only validate the Application of those with at least 3 years of experience in Primary school teaching jobs in Kenya.
  • Furthermore, we were made to understand that these Teaching vacancies in Kenya 2025/2026 are meant for those who have fulfilled chapter 6 of the constitution.

Job Title: Deputy Head Teacher II

Location: Kenya

TSC Recruitment Requirements for the position of Deputy Head Teacher II

  • Candidates applying are required to have their appraisal record on a positive note before applying for this position.
  • Moreover, teaching vacancies in Kenya 2025 are very competitive which is why we advise Applicants to bring all extra professional certificates. That can give them an edge toward getting the Job.
  • In addition, good communication and writing skills.
  • In a disclosure made by TSC mass recruitment 2025/2026 officials. Applicants must be those currently serving as senior teachers, which is in line with the successional recruitment pattern the commission uses.
  • Lastly, only those that can be punctual to duties, will stand better chances of working at the Teachers Service Commission Kenya (TSC).

How to Apply for a Job at TSC

  1. Apply via the commission’s recruitment portal

    Above all, Applicants that have read the recruitment requirements and wish to apply. Should proceed to www.teachersonline.go.ke or hrmis.tsc.go.ke and apply after providing the statutory documents below.

To sum up, make sure you only submit valid documents. And also make sure you don’t pay anyone during the process of your application. Because the Kenya Teachers Service Commission does not require Applicants to pay for application forms.

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